I was trying to setup chef server on my local box using Oracle
Enterprise Linux 6.4.
After sucessfully installing all the required serivces chef-server was
not running, so when I tried to start the service below error was displayed.
Chef-server dead but pid file exists
I tried to find the cause of this issue in logs but no clues
in the logs as well.
Then I run the chef server in foreground using the below command, to
debug the issue
#chef-server -C /etc/chef/server.rb -L /var/log/chef/server.log -p 4000
-e production -a thin -P /var/run/chef/server.pid -u chef -G chef
Below stack trace was displayed
merb :
chef-server (api) : worker (port 4000) ~
Connection failed - user: chef - (Bunny::ProtocolError)
This issue was becuase chef server was unable to connect to rabbitmq
using bunny protocal as user chef.
I had already run the below rabbitmq server configuration which is
recommended in opscode site, but still it was failing to connect to rabbitmq
# rabbitmqctl add_vhost /chef
# rabbitmqctl add_user chef
# rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p /chef chef ".*" ".*" ".*"
# rabbitmqctl add_user chef
# rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p /chef chef ".*" ".*" ".*"
Later I reset the rabbitmq configuration using the following command
# rabbitmqctl force_reset
The issue was due to password which was given in server.rb of chef
server was different than what I had given while running the rabbitmq server
Basically we should use same password which is set in “amqp_pass” in the
Chef server - server.rb file and if you have not given the password in server.rb then the default password is testing.
# rabbitmqctl add_vhost /chef
# rabbitmqctl add_user chef testing
# rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p /chef chef ".*" ".*" ".*"
# rabbitmqctl add_user chef testing
# rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p /chef chef ".*" ".*" ".*"
...at last
I was able to start the chef server service and also able to connect to
rabbitmq server.
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